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30 May
6:00 pm
Ends at 9:00 pm

Year 7 Academic Conference

The Snow Centre

Year 7 Academic Conference


The School welcomes you to the Year 7 Academic Conference evening.


The details for this evening are:


·         When: Thursday 30 May 2019 beginning at 6.00pm and concluding at 9.00pm

·         Where:  The Snow Centre

·         Who will be in attendance: Year 7 teachers as well as Heads of Student House

·         Who should attend: Students (in school uniform) should attend with their parents


This evening is aimed at providing you with an overview/progress report of your son or daughter. Further, the timing is deliberate. Teachers will discuss not only on what has transpired, but what your son or daughter can plan for in the weeks and months ahead.


A list of the appointments that we have made for you will be available on CGS Connect shortly. All appointments are for five minutes. As far as possible we have tried to allow a break between interviews to allow you to move between them, however we have tried to group interviews together to avoid a lengthy evening for you. It is very important for the smooth functioning of the evening that interview times are strictly observed, both the beginning and the end. Please remember to bring the appointments schedule with you.


If you are unable to be present on the evening I would appreciate hearing from you. Please contact the Academic Office via email to


Since some Year 7 teachers have more than one class they will find it impossible, in the time slots available, to speak to all of the parents of the students they teach. For several teachers, I have not been able to include interview times for all the parents. Teachers have made appointments for the parents they definitely need to see.


Your schedule of appointment times may indicate “Not requested”; you should take this to mean that the teachers have no serious concerns about your daughter or son.


We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 30 May during your allotted interview times. Please do not see this evening as the one and only chance to speak with a staff member. Should you need clarification about coursework or need an up-date on how your son or daughter is progressing, please be in contact.