Start: 31 August 2022 Bus departs 7:00am
End: 2 September 2022 Bus returns approximately 4:30pm
The Year 4 Camp is a two night/ three day programme that draws upon the students’ natural curiosity, sense of adventure and communication skills. They begin to explore outdoor surrounds, learn to participate in activities and tasks within a group and learn the concept of “challenge by choice.” Their prior knowledge and skills from Year 3 is built upon developing further independence. An emphasis on the values and attitudes required when working together in a small team is fostered. Students stay in cabin accommodation.
Educational Outcomes:
- Fostering confidence and independence
- Forming collaboration and deepening friendships
- A sense of achievement, building self-confidence
- Enjoy learning and discovering new things, new skills, new challenges
- Listening to others, giving positive feedback, being polite, teamwork
- Enhancing and learning organisational skills
Staff in Charge: Adam Hall