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22 Jul
8:00 am
Ends at 8:40 am

Student Representative Council (SRC) and Community Care Council (CCC) Meetings


Community Care Council (CCC) in 4 Callahan Classroom

Student Representative Council (SRC) in Art Room

Week A – Years 4 and 5

Week B – Years 3 and 6


Community Care Council (CCC) Primary School

The purpose of this Council is to help others in the wider community. The Council consists of two elected representatives from each class (one boy and one girl). Meetings are held fortnightly each term. Guest Speakers are brought in to speak to the students about various community needs. The Council Representatives organise fundraising activities to support various charities.


Student Representative Council (SRC) Primary School

This Council was formed to allow the recommendations of the students to be made to the Head of Primary. The Council is made up of two elected representative from each class Years 3-6. Meetings are held fortnightly each term and agendas are formed by decisions taken in general class meetings and discussions.