Students in Year 6, Chorale, CGS Singers, PS Concert Band, Sinfonia and Primary String Orchestra will be attending Presentation Night rehearsals at the National Convention Centre today.
Bus departs CGS: 10:00am
Bus returns to CGS: 1:30pm
As students will be off campus for a substantial part of the day, lunch orders will not be available. Please ensure students have a packed lunch with snacks and a water bottle for the day.
Students are to wear regular summer academic uniform.
Instrumental students to bring their instrument (named) and music.
Year 6 students will depart with their class teacher and LAs from their classroom to the bus. Year 3 to 5 music students are to meet their supervising teachers in the John Lingard Hall at 9:40am with their instruments for a roll check before departure.
Staff coordinating: Wendy Brentnall and Lauren Dunn