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4 Jun
10:30 am
Ends at 12:00 pm

Pre-Kindergarten Visit to Southern Cross Care, Campbell

Southern Cross Care Campbell

The Northside Pre-Kindergarten class will to walk to Southern Cross Care Campbell to connect with the elderly. In the communal space the children will read picture books with the residents and take part in a communal artwork.
Staff coordinating: Angela Turner
Children who have not arrived at the ELC before the group departs must be supervised by their parent/ carer until the class returns.
Please ensure your child wears their CGS uniform, enclosed shoes and long pants for the excursion and has appropriate layers for the weather and temperature expected on the day.
Anticipated number of children attending is 22
Anticipated number of Educators is 3+
Anticipated number of parent volunteers is 2+
While on excursions, ratios are maintained at 1:6 for Pre-Kindergarten.
A risk assessment has been prepared and is available for reference.
If you are available to assist on one or more of the walks, please fill in the online acknowledgment form and apply for a WWVP card to assist us <a href="
We greatly appreciate your contribution to our community.
Staff coordinating: Angela Turner