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19 Sep
9:00 am
Ends at 10:30 am

NS Pre-Kindergarten Bushwalks

Campbell & Mount Ainslie

As part of our Pre-Kindergarten program in Terms 2 and 3, we will be taking the children bushwalking in the area around Campbell.  We will begin with a walk to the bushland in Patey Street and will build up (as the children’s stamina and road sense develops) to walking to the lower slope of Mount Ainslie, behind the War Memorial. 


The aim of this program is to provide children with time in a natural bush setting so they can develop a love of the environment, resilience and fitness.  This activity supports the IB, Primary Years Program, Unit of Inquiry based on ‘Sharing the Planet’.  Key questions such as – How does the environment change over time? will be used as provocations for our inquiry and exploration. Links will be made to both literacy and numeracy.


On most bushwalking days the children will need to wear the warmer items (long pants etc.) of their School uniform. The CGS weatherproof jacket will also be needed on these cooler mornings and should be purchased at the CGS Uniform Shop.