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9 Oct
10:30 am
Ends at 12:30 pm

Dinosaur Museum: ELC Excursion

Dinosaur Museum 6 Gold Creek Rd, Nicholls ACT 2913

The reason for undertaking the activity: Children's Interest during planning.

The proposed activities: ELC will embark on an exciting journey through time at the National Dinosaur Museum. They will have the opportunity to explore the museum's extensive collection of dinosaur fossils, skeletons and life-sized dinosaur models.

Please ensure your child wears their CGS PE shirt for the excursion.

Anticipated number of children attending: 20

Anticipated number of Educators: 4

While on excursions, ratios are maintained at 1:8 or 1:5 near water, or below at all times.

Children and educators must wear seat belts if the bus has them fitted as per the ACT road rules.

A risk assessment has been prepared and is available for all excursions.