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25 Aug
6:00 pm
Ends at 9:00 pm

CGS Alumni Reunion – Brisbane

Port Office Hotel

Canberra Grammar School will host a memorable Brisbane Alumni reunion on Friday 25 August and we’re really looking forward to seeing you there.

A number of new CGS alumni initiatives have been launched during 2023 and we look forward to chatting about how you can get involved, and to leverage your CGS networks for career development, mentorship, business support and of course, social connection.

We hope that you will be able to join Sandy Goddard, Tammy Foley and other CGS staff members at the Port Office Hotel for an evening of fun, networking and catching up.


This event is open to all CGS Alumni (Past staff and Students), regardless of the year you graduated. 

$50 per head for all food and drinks for the evening. 


Date: 25 August 2023

Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm

Venue : Port Office Hotel

Booking: questions?Contact CGS Alumni Manager, Tammy Foley at or (02) 62609665