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29 May
9:00 am
Ends at 11:00 am

Burgmann House P&F and Alumni Zoom Mock Interviews- Careers


Once again, we are inviting members of the School community to volunteer to act as an interviewer for the P&F Mock Interviews for our Year 11 students. We are grateful for the time our generous community offers in supporting the event, and for helping us to continue to offer this beneficial activity for our students.

In the past, many parents of students from Kindergarten to Year 12 have been a part of the P&F Interview Days. We have also enjoyed the participation of CGS Alumni who have entered the workforce. Our students gain valuable insight into the world of work from their interactions with our community who have vast experience in running selection interviews for a range of organisations. Students are then able to refine their interview technique and adopt better approaches to the interview as a result.

With growing student numbers, we have growing diversity in our student body. Their career dreams and aspirations are also widely diverse. It is a privilege to watch them grow in confidence through the senior years and gives us hope in the future of Australia when we see them take up wonderful challenges in university and employment.

Your commitment would be to administer 15-minute individual (one-to-one) mock interviews of our Year 11 students via scheduled Zoom appointments. Time is also allocated for written feedback and reflection and this is then uploaded passed on to the tutor and student.

We will endeavour to run the interviews in Senior School House groups weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays (some flexibility will also occur), over 5 weeks in Term 2. Once we have some interviewers identified we will then send google document to fill in your available time slots for interviews. 

Please email Ms Verity Beman, CGS Careers Practitioner, at the address below with the following details:

  • An approximate number of 15-minute interviews you would be willing to facilitate? 
  • Interest in facilitating a Targeted Profession Interview eg. Defence University/scholarship, Design or a targeted industry

Contact Details