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16 Sep
8:45 am
Ends at 12:30 pm

Academic Testing : Year 6

WMH and Year 6 Classrooms

Time: Students need to arrive at school at 8:15am and make their way to their current Year 6 classroom for mark-off. Testing will commence testing at 8:45am. Testing will finish at 12:45pm. Students will continue with their regular school day after the testing.

Venue: CGS Primary Campus – Students are to make their way to their current classrooms where they will be met by their teachers and allocated into testing rooms.

What to bring: Normal school bag with recess and lunch, two black and two blue pens and a clear water bottle. Please do not order lunch orders for this date.

What to wear: School uniform.

If your child is feeling unwell on the day, please notify the School of their absence, as usual. We will arrange an alternative testing day in January next year.

If you have any questions regarding the testing, please contact the Admissions Office via

Staff coordinating: Sarah Maldon & Huma Cheema