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12 Aug
9:00 am
Ends at 3:00 pm

ACT Primary School Netball Gala Day Finals

Lyneham Netball Centre

Students meet in the Rose Garden at 8:00am to depart at 8:10am. The bus will return to school after the last scheduled game. Please be aware the last game doesn't finish until 3pm and students may miss their normal travel home arrangements. Please communicate other travel arrangements for your child with the Co-Curricular office by Tuesday 9th August.

What to wear: CGS Netball Uniform, CGS Jumpers and Tracksuit pants.

What to bring: Packed recess and lunch, water bottles, hats and a spare change of clothes and raincoat for wet weather.

Draw: Once received, CGS Co-Curricular Office we will send through to students and their families.  Students will be allowed to leave after their last game.

More information will follow on Monday 8th August. If you have any questions please contact Bella Randall

Parents are welcome to attend.

Staff coordinating: Jason Yip and Isabella Randall