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4 Nov
9:00 am
Ends at 2:00 pm

Year 2 Transition Day

CGS Primary School - Red Hill Campus

The purpose of  this day is for the children to become familiar with their new campus and teachers and to connect with their peers from across the cohort. Across the day, students will be split into groups and given the opportunity to engage in a range of different activities. The students will also be able to experience their new House group and attend a Chapel Service. 


Arrival: Northside students will need to be dropped off at the Red Hill campus on this day.

Parking: Parents are asked to please make their way to the corner of Mugga Way and Alexander Street for on-site parking. Please do not use the drive-through or ELC drop-off zones for parking. If parking in surrounding streets, please be aware of signage or parking and school crossing zones.

Meeting place: Mr Wyche will meet students in the Rose Garden (near Reception) in preparation for their day. 

Please bring: Students will need to bring their school bag, lunch, water bottle and hat, just as any normal school day. Please ensure they are wearing full summer uniform.


The movement of campuses isn’t only a change for the students, it’s also a transition for parents as well. As part of our transition day, the P&F is inviting  all Year 3, 2023 parents to attend a Morning Tea from 8:45 - 9:15am. This will be a chance to meet parents from both campuses in preparation for being part of  a wider cohort parent body next year. A range of refreshments will be available.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s current classroom teacher. We look forward to sharing this day with you and your child. We are excited to have you join us on the Red Hill campus for 2023.


Warmest regards,

Lauren Dunn