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18 Nov
8:00 am
Ends at 8:40 am

Student Representative Council and Action and Service Council

Primary Art Room and Library Lighthouse

Student Representative Council (SRC) in Primary Art Room

SRC – Is the mechanism to project the student voice of the class and meet with the Head of Primary and Associate Director fortnightly to discuss matters the class feels are important to our school community. It is a chance to make lasting change and build a positive environment around our campuses. Campaigns run in the past have included designing and fundraising for playground equipment, clean up and uniform days, installation of water bubblers, new apps for the student iPads etc…the scope is endless!


Action and Service Council (ASC) in Library Light House

ASC – Meet with the Director of Action and Service and the Chaplains fortnightly to discuss matters students feel are important in regards to taking action from material covered in PYP POI and opportunities to serve our school and communities locally and abroad. This council focuses on incorporating one of CGS goals in creating students that are curious, creative, confident, compassionate citizens of the world.