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14 Feb
5:00 pm
Ends at 7:00 pm

CGS Northside P&F Northside Picnic


The Welcome Picnic,Friday 14 February, 5.00 – 7.00pm brings the whole Northside community together at the beginning of the School year and gives continuing families the opportunity to welcome families who are new to CGSNorthside in 2020.


Families may pack a picnic basket or purchase a Picnic Pack prior to the event at TRYBOOKING.COM/580776. The closing date for placing a Picnic Pack  order is  Tuesday 11 February. 


The children should dress in play clothes for the evening and will be singing at approximately 5.20pm.  Bringing a picnic blanket to spread on the grass is also a good idea.


The P&F have also  arranged the band ‘Annie and the Armadillos’ to perform on the deck in the garden and a Gelato Stall (gold coin donation) will also be available.


We are also farewelling Mrs Rosalie Reeves, Head of Primary, on this evening.


Northside P&F President, Megan Jeremenko and her Committee are hoping that as many families as possible will be able to attend this first P&F event.