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22 Oct
9:00 am
Ends at 3:00 pm

Experience Days for Year 7 – 6W & 6H

CGS Senior School

Who: Students in 6W and 6H

Drop off time: 8:45am

Drop off details: Parents are to drop off students at the Senior School using the designated drop-off zone in the main carpark at the corner of Monaro Crescent and Golden Grove. Students should make their way to the Tim Murray Theatre in the Performing Arts Centre.

Pick up arrangements:At the end of Experience Day, students will be collected by Primary School staff at 3:10pm from the Senior School Library and escorted to the Junior School for dismissal. Regular after school arrangements will take place for Year 6 students.

What to wear: Full PE uniform

What to bring: A water bottle, hat and pencil case. No devices will be needed today.

Lunch: Lunch will be catered and no money will be required. Please do not place any lunch orders.


As a component of the Year 6 to Year 7 transition programme, on Monday 21 October, classes 6B, 6C and 6G and on Tuesday 22 October, classes 6W and 6H will have the opportunity to experience Year 7 for the day at the Year 7 Experience Day. Students will enjoy a typical day as a Senior School student, becoming more familiar with facilities which Year 7s access regularly, socialising with current and incoming students, participating in a few classes and being introduced to key pastoral staff.