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20 Sep
5:30 pm
Ends at 7:00 pm

Northside P&F Disco

Northside Gallery

The Northside Disco is a CGS P&F Northside initiative to bring together the Northside students, parents, and staff in a fun and informal event. It aligns with a key CGS P&F aim of fostering ‘a warm, welcoming and supportive School community’.

Student arrival commences 15 minutes before the event start time.
The event is free for parents and students.

Food and drink for parents and students: A sausage sizzle/vegetarian option in the courtyard area for students and parents. Cold water will be available
Parents would be encouraged to bring a ‘parents’ plate’ and an area for parents to mingle would be provided in the Alfresco area. Children will not be allowed in this area.

A ‘quiet space’ will be provided for students requiring a break from the disco.

Parents are encouraged to volunteer for the various roles required to operate the event. All volunteers must have a current ACT WWVP registration and have completed the CGS Volunteer sign up process.