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22 May
4:00 pm
Ends at 9:00 pm

Middleton House Movie Night

Snow Concert Hall

This Middleton spcial event serves to develop House Spirit and a deepening of the relationships between all members of Middleton.
The Clemments/Year 7 Middleton Students are also invited to this evening.

The order for the event is;
1. whole house watching a movie together.
2. dinner - pizza - to be ordered by students on a form that will be sent out.
3. second movie, students to be divided into two groups by age to appropriately rated movies. Older students may watch the younger students movie.
4. students picked up by parents with Middleton House staff supervision in Senior Carpark Drop-off Zone

Year 12 Captains will be choosing the movies.

Students will sign up and order their pizza when the link is sent out.